Download Auto Forward SMS PRO For Android Direct From Us!

Start your 7 day free trial in 3 easy steps.

Then, if you like the app, subscribe securely in-app via Stripe. Cancel anytime. Free upgrades and fast free support always!

PLEASE NOTE: our app is NOT a spy app. It CANNOT get SMS from another phone.

Step 1: Download & Install Auto Forward SMS PRO For Android

Tap DOWNLOAD button below to install app on your Android phone:

install auto forward sms app

Our app is safe to download. We have it installed on our own phones! Please note our app is NOT a spy app.

Step 2: Registration

Open app and follow the instructions to enter your mobile number & email address. A verification code is sent to your number & email, and is valid for 120 seconds.

TIP: enter your mobile number in international format including your country code. Example: USA +1, India +91, UK +44, Aus +61 etc.

Step 3: Enter Verification Code, and you're done!

Your number & email registers the app to you. If you get a new phone, use your details to reinstall the app. Your details are never, ever shared with anyone outside our company. Please view our Privacy Policy page or contact our Support Manager Raf if you have any questions. You can also email us directly from the app.


The app asks for the following permissions:

    Why? To enable Missed Call Alerts.

    Why? So the app can append name of the contact who sent you the SMS. If the sender is not in your Contacts, the forwarded message will show the sender's number.

  • SMS.
    Why? So the app can read then forward the incoming message according to your instructions.

    Why? To store logs and reports. Note all personal info on logs & reports is redacted with **** . You can choose to deny permission on any of these, but it may affect the app's functions.

  • You'll be prompted at the trial end to subscribe. Note the app will stop working if you don't subscribe.

  • Your mobile number and email address registers the app to you, so if you get a new phone with the same number, you can use these same details to use your existing subscription.

  • The app is self-updating, so your phone should automatically detect any updates and prompt you.

  • Subscriptions are handled externally by Stripe. We NEVER see your card details, nor are they stored on the app.

Start your 7-day free trial now. To install on your Android phone, tap button below:

install auto forward sms app


Privacy Policy

To view our Privacy Policy & Terms click here.

Need help?

Please email us:

Our offices are in the United States so please allow for timezone delays. Thank you.